Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Last Trip to the Boys and Girls Club

Overall I would have to say that I was pleased with my ability to help the student I was assigned too, reach her goal of recording a meaningful script. That being said, as I look back on our time there, I can't help but feel a bit frustrated. I feel that if there was more organization on the side of the club, we would have been able to accomplish a lot more. Not only would we have been able to help the students produce better and more complete digital stories, but we would have had more of an opportunity to improve their writing skills. To be honest, maybe a project that more directly sparked the students' interests would have been a more practical and rewarding undertaking.

This being said, I was definitely fortunate to have the opportunity to work with the specific student I was paired with; we'll call her T. From the very first meeting, it was evident that T was interested in the project because it gave her an opportunity to learn more about her Grandma. To me it was very interesting that T learned so many things about her Grandma that she would otherwise probably never know, even living in the same house with her. T comes across as a good and diligent student and it is in large part because of her focus that we were able to write and record a script together. While the Boys and Girls Club's administration could have done a better job, my time helping T was definitely beneficial for everyone involved.

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