Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Boys and Girls Club: Round Two

I am very happy with how our trip went on Monday, I really couldn't have asked for a more prepared or insightful student to work with. Amani and I got to work with the same girl (we'll call her T) as we did last time, which in my opinion made it much easier to get things accomplished, and also made for a more rewarding experience. T had already completed an interview of her grandmother and had even been given a book that her grandmother said was full of the kinds of wisdom which she tried to live her life by. We started off by just talking about the things her grandmother had to say, and what really stuck out to T as being important or useful. We had T right down the main ideas that she would definitely want to emphasize in her narrative. Amani and I helped to facilitate and generate some ideas about how T might want to structure her story; using an anecdote or a quote where some of the options we talked over. After we had talked for awhile, T used her page of notes to write a rough draft. I must say that I was nervous about how this step might go, I really had no idea what her level of writing was or if she would be able to focus enough to write anything substantial. Again I was surprised by her awesome work ethic, as she wrote over a page of her narrative without even taking a break. Certainly there were grammar errors and what not, but overall it was a great rough draft. While we were not able to practice recording it, we will definitely be at that stage for our next visit. T is planning on re-writing her draft and will be ready to record next session.

I can't stress enough how impressed I was by T, even her remarks during our discussion were well thought out, and also very mature for her age. I have enjoyed working with her so far and am looking forward to helping her complete a project she can be proud of.

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