Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Consultant Shadowing (Day 1)

Unfortunately there is not much to tell about my first day shadowing a consultant, as no one was scheduled for an appointment.  The consultant and I talked for a bit about some of the logistics of the center: what times of day/of the semester were busier for consultants, how long consultations usually lasted, what broad types of questions writers usually had, and so on.  We waited for awhile in case of any walk-ins; however, after much of the session was already over we decided to call it a day.  I have to say it was a bit of a let-down not to have been able to observe a consultation, but by no means was it a waste of time.  The brief insights that the consultant shared with me, on a few of the actual practicalities of the writing center, put me at ease about some of the reservations or anxieties I felt about becoming a writing fellow.  I can honestly say, I am looking forward to next week's session, even more so than I was to this first one.

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